- Description
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- Shipping & Returns
Summary :
- Working based on existing GSM/GPRS network and GPS satellites,this product can locate and monitor any remote targets by SMS or internet
- The small compact design GPS tracker is portable, you can track or bug your kids, elderly , car,boat, van, truck, jet ski, motorcycle,scooter, motorbike, earth moving equipment, fleet vehicles and all valueable assets
- 100% brand new
- Support non-server based location
- Location memorization
- Auto location report
- Authorize/delete the tracking phone number
- Covert alert & voice surveillance
- Geofence: alert in case of breaching the predefined speed
- Movement alert: alert in case of movement
- Speed alert: alert in case of excess of the predefinded speed
- Power alert
- SOS function, built-in macrophone to communication.
- Dimensions: 64mm x 46mm x 17mm (1.8''*2.5''*0.65'')
- Weight: 50g
- Network: GSM/GPRS
- Band: 850/900/1800/1900Mhz
- GPS Chip: SIRF3 Chip
- GPS Sensitivity: -159dBm
- GPS accuracy: 5m
- Time to First Fix: Cold status 45s, Warm status 35s,Hot status 1s
- Car Charge: 12-24V input, 5V output
- Wall Charger: 110-220V input, 5V output
- Battery: Chargeable 3.7V, 800mAh Li-ion battery
- Standby Time: 48 hours
How it works:
- The GPS Tracker is very easy to operate and communicate with. As seen in pictures below whenever you send a text message or make a calling to the unit(GSM mobile number), it will respond back with coordinates.You can use these coordinates on any mapping software like google earth which will show you exactly where your asset is. You can request the unit to constantly send you signals at specific intervals.You can also use GPRS link on your computer for real-time location tracking!
Packing including:
- Mini GPS Tracking Deivce x 1
- Rechargeable Battery x 1
- Power Adapter x 1
- Europ standard adapter x 1
- USB cable x 1
- CD for GPS Tracking Application x 1
- English User Guide x 1
Cell jammer
Cell jammer
* Delivery Time.
We need 1-2 days to process your order before shipping.There are two shipping methoed. Fast Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 3-5 days.Slow Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 10-15 days.
* Tracking information.
After we ship package, customer receive automatic email with tracking details.
* Lost Package Policy.
If a package did not arrive in 4 weeks after the shipping date, then this package is treated as Lost. In this case a new package will be shipped to the customer provided we are able to give the same items as those purchased by the customer. If we are not able to provide the same items to substitute the lost ones we will either propose to the customer similar items or refund their cost as it will be mutually agree with the customer. If one or more items neither the same nor similar are available to be shipped, the customer can request to cancel the order entirely, thus the total cost of the order including shipping and handling cost will be fully refunded.