- Description
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Brand new vibration alarm, protect your property by giving out alarm sound when it senses vibration, shaking, striking and moving
- Magnetic Cupule
- Super mini shape.
- Detects vibration of the entry and send a alarm to the holder and scare any unwanted intruders.
- With magnetic bar inside the alarm.
- Can attach the alarm to any place with metal surface such as steel safe.
- The alert can last about 30 seconds.
- The beep sound is over 120DB.
- If the vibration continues,the alarm will sound again.
- Powered by a 9V battery(not include)
- Can be installed on door/window/steel safe/etc.
- Ideal for ensuring security of home, store, warehouse, etc.
- Dimensions: 87*55*25mm
- Net weight: 55g
- Color:black
Packing Included:
- 1 x Door Window Vibration Detector Alarm
Cell jammer
Cell jammer
* Delivery Time.
We need 1-2 days to process your order before shipping.There are two shipping methoed. Fast Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 3-5 days.Slow Delivery: The delivery time for US, European countries the delivery will take 10-15 days.
* Tracking information.
After we ship package, customer receive automatic email with tracking details.
* Lost Package Policy.
If a package did not arrive in 4 weeks after the shipping date, then this package is treated as Lost. In this case a new package will be shipped to the customer provided we are able to give the same items as those purchased by the customer. If we are not able to provide the same items to substitute the lost ones we will either propose to the customer similar items or refund their cost as it will be mutually agree with the customer. If one or more items neither the same nor similar are available to be shipped, the customer can request to cancel the order entirely, thus the total cost of the order including shipping and handling cost will be fully refunded.